Resisdential Services
Whole House Wiring
Whole house wiring is a big, important job. A job that you don’t want to go wrong because the last thing you want is there to be a safety issue or things that don’t work correctly. Carrigan Electric pays attention to the little details on these big jobs. Get your home in Davis County, Weber County, and Morgan County wired with a local electrician qualified to take care of you and your home.
Basement Finishes
Finishing your basement can be a daunting task, which is why it is important that you have a local electrician who is honest, transparent, and communicates clearly. These are the values we have at Carrigan Electric. Carrigan Electric provides the quality of service that you need in your home so that you can have a safe, comfortable environment to enjoy. Contact us today to learn more about how you can get that basement finished.
Home Generators
Smart homeowners know how a home generator can make their life much easier. Whether the power goes out for 1 hour or 1 week, a home generator powering your home can give you much-needed comfort in uncertain times. You want to feel confident that your generator will perform when the time comes, which is why it’s so important to hire an experienced electrician such as Carrigan Electric. Carrigan Electric is always there for you and can be your personal electrician.
Adding New Lights and Outlets
Adding new lights, outlets or other small projects may not seem like that big of a deal, but an experienced electrician knows the importance of getting these small jobs done safely. But safe installation isn’t the only reason to call a local electrician, but electricians like Carrian Electric can provide valuable insight on the best way to accomplish your goal. Call today for a free consultation
Electrical Inspections
Carrigan Electric is whom you can trust to perform inspections on home electrical work. Whether it’s thinking of buying a new home or just wanting to make sure your current home is safe, Carrigan Electric is an experienced electrician you can trust with your safety. Home inspections are crucial when making sure that you are not at risk from dangerous or faulty electrical wiring.
Home Automation
Home automation is becoming more popular as almost everything can be automated within your home, making life easy, enjoyable and comfortable. However, it can be very frustrating when things aren’t working how you want. Carrigan Electric has the experience needed to make sure everything is working exactly how it’s supposed to. Contact us today to see what is possible within your home.
Smart Switching and Lighting
Having smart switches and lighting in your home can make your environment even more comfortable to live in. In order to get all of the benefits of lighting, it's important to have them installed by an experienced professional such as Carrigan Electric. We will make sure you're taken care of and get your lighting functioning right.
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